1. Introduction
Overwatch is a multiplayer first person shooter that is created by the AAA studio known as blizzard, famous for creating other huge games such as World of Warcraft and hearthstone. The full public version of Overwatch was available for purchase on the 23rd May 2016. Overwatch progressed to become a successful fast paced FPS as many people have fell in love with the game and achieved GOTY (Game of the Year) for 2016.
2. Terrain
Overwatch has a range of different maps that are randomly selected before you join the lobby. Each map has a rather unique terrain where areas can be located in different areas which could urban or rural. The environment around the maps could be rather different too, focusing on weather and objects located around the environment. There are maps which can also change during seasonal events demonstrated in the recent winter event that took place as maps were edited to look as if it was winter using cold weather and snow to demonstrate this. The winter event changed maps including: Hanamura, Kings Row and Ecopoint Antarctica.
Kings Row (Original)
Kings Row (Winter)
3. Architecture
Overwatch uses architecture to strongly define an environment as the structures can easily tell you where the map is located. Using Hanamura as an example, we can see that the buildings are based from the Japanese and Asian-like culture as the buildings have a structure that is closely related.
Hanamura (Original)
Hanamura (Winter)
4. Objects
In Overwatch, there are many different objects that are used to decorate the game using objects such as the Pachimari plushies and arcade machines in Hanamura and some objects can be moved by shooting or hitting them within a game. There is an easter egg like event which uses the basketball set up within the spawn where if you melee the ball into the basket ball hoop, then confetti will fall and party pops will pop which I personally think is a really cool addition to add into the game. Objects such as the trees shown above also give away the location of the map very nicely as cherry blossom trees are well known in Japan as they are colourful and memorable and shown within a lot of films and anime.
5. Characters
Overwatch has a wide variety of different characters that you choose to play within a game. Each character has a different move-set and abilities that alters the way you play in the game. The characters are created so that they each have different strengths and weaknesses that can work with other characters in the game and combine attacks which could result in a much easier push. The characters are designed with different abilities that can combine with other characters within the game to be successful in the game, as there are 4 different categories of characters known as offence, defense, tank and support. You would usually want to divide your team up so that you have enough of each character for the suitable role so that the team is fairly balanced and is easily able to work with one another.
The object of an Offence character is to deal lots of initial damage and for some to be able to flank the enemy team using abilities that the character possesses to easily pick off supports and other offensive characters on the enemy team. An Offensive character should always be moving around into different location whether it is close up to the enemies, behind them or dominating the high ground to secure the position that is more powerful.
A defensive character is mainly to stay with or around the objective and defend it. defensive characters usually tend to not move around very much or perform much better at long distance combat which usually allows them to not be able to move as much as offensive characters. With the acceptation of Mei, a character who gets close range up to the enemy and freeze them making the enemy unable to move and she can deal extra damage by using her secondary long range damaging weapon. She is listed as a defensive character because she has the ability to easily stall objectives since she can build walls that block off a certain area that could potentially protect her and she can also freeze herself into an ice block making her invulnerable to enemy attacks and she also regenerates health whilst in this form.
The duty of a Tank is to be able to act as a front line so that they can protect their own team using abilities including shields that soak up enemy damage and they also have lots of initial health so that they have a higher chance of survival since they can't attack like an offensive character since the rest of the team needs them to survive.
Support characters in Overwatch are used simply to benefit the whole team whether it be healing, damage boosting, speed boosting or even teleportation. All of these help the team in a huge way that are needed on every single team to be successful. Support characters tend to stay in the backline away from the battle since they are key to stay alive and they can't fight as well as other heroes because they are not as powerful.
6. NPC
There have been some NPC's within the couple of Overwatch event's that have been released being: Junkensteins Revenge and Uprising. Both of them have been PvE events which are completely brand new to Overwatch and the players since everything in the game so far has been PvP. The events have aimed to tell the player more about the story of Overwatch and you take the role of the various characters that have participated within the event and control them as if you were back when that actual event took place.
Slicer - These are small omnics that run up towards the payload and slowly destroy it with lasers.
Nulltrooper - The basic and most common omnic that appears. It can shoot frequently at players and the payload, and it has a fair amount of health.
Eradicator - These have a lot of health and they contain a barrier which protects them from the front and also possess a barrier which can be destroyed when the large arm is shot off.
B73-NS - Uses the same mechanics as the Hero "Bastion" with an AI controlling it.
OR14-NS - Uses the same mechanics as the Hero "Orisa" with an AI controlling it.
7. Interface
The interface within Overwatch gives you the details that you should be keeping your eye on all the time whilst playing. First of all, you have your crosshair which helps you aim onto the enemy precisely using the variety of reticles that the game gives to you. Then, you can see your health, ultimate charge and abilities which are all crucial aspects to the character as you need to know always when you have abilities and how close your ultimate is. Another thing you can see is the amount of ammo you have before you need to reload your weapon.
8. Feedback
In Overwatch, you can receive feedback by pressing tab mid-game and viewing what statistics you have gained throughout the game, whilst the medals indicate how well your doing in specific parts compared to other people on your team. This can help show who has been performing the best or done a good job with the role they picked.
9. Perspectives
In Overwatch, you will see through the eyes of the character you use within the game in a first person perspective considering that the game is literally labelled as an FPS multiplayer game.
When playing Reinhardt, you take a 3rd person perspective when using your barrier so that you know exactly what area you are protecting and you are not missing anywhere which could be crucial for the team.
10. FMV
This is how Overwatch was originally introduced to the public, using base story lore with a dramatic setting and a high quality animation/ cut-scene showing a fight between specific characters from the Overwatch universe. I really how Overwatch was presented because it leads us to think that more and more will unravel about the story as the animated shorts are filled with lots of action packed and interesting scenes that get the viewer hooked.
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